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These drawings probe the tensions that arise from the conflicting demands of refuge, work, and play. Each separate space has its own distinct purpose and commitments, while also evoking memories of the core dwelling space. 

'Architecture of the Psyche' delves into the relationship between the human mind and the built environment and how our surroundings can affect our psychological well-being. Surreal and unrealistic architectural forms offer a means of metaphorical escape from our current psychological states affected by our relationship with our home. Escapism is amplified by the use of symbolic imagery of staircases, a pathway leading to an elevated sanctuary, which prompts viewers to contemplate a reality beyond the limitations of their present living spaces. 

By examining the intricate interplay between our physical surroundings and our mental states, the artwork urges us to contemplate our own yearnings for escape and how the built environment can shape these desires.

"Architecture of the Psyche" - Exploring the relationship between the human mind and the built environment. There is a focus on the underlying structures and patterns that shape our psychological states, and invites viewers to consider the ways in which our homes and living spaces reflect and reinforce these structures. It also implies a sense of intentionality and design, suggesting that the drawings may depict a deliberate shaping of the psyche through the built environment. "Architecture of the Psyche" delves into the complex interplay between the physical and mental aspects of our lives.
"Architecture of the Psyche" - Exploring the relationship between the human mind and the built environment. There is a focus on the underlying structures and patterns that shape our psychological states, and invites viewers to consider the ways in which our homes and living spaces reflect and reinforce these structures. It also implies a sense of intentionality and design, suggesting that the drawings may depict a deliberate shaping of the psyche through the built environment. "Architecture of the Psyche" delves into the complex interplay between the physical and mental aspects of our lives.
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